Collection: MediPaw

If you're in Australia and wish to purchase any of the MediPaw items, please email me - - and I can invoice you.


These are a recent discovery for me, and I'm absolutely hooked. Nobody - least of all the dog - likes a cone. They are clumsy and uncomfortable, and for many dogs quite terrifying. None of that is conducive to harmonious healing.


Top tip & a special offer:

One of the things I've learned since using these boots and suits with my own dogs is that it's handy to have a spare. One to wear and one for the wash!

If you buy two of the same item at the same time you'll automatically receive a 10% discount on your purchase.


Medipaw boots and suits help dogs (and cats) recover from surgeries, injuries, and other wounds easily and comfortably.

Less Stress and Faster Recovery

Protective gear that provides maximum protection for a smoother, faster recovery all while keeping patients calm and stress free.

Keep Healing Time on Track

High tech material safeguards wounds when life gets messy from outdoor elements and unwanted licking and scratching. Your pet’s bandages, wounds, and incisions stay clean and dry.

Comfort for Body and Sole

Protective boots and suits designed for comfort and convenience so pets can easily eat, drink, sleep, and go outdoors.