Movement Puzzles for Wolly's Post-Stroke Rehab

Movement Puzzles for Wolly's Post-Stroke Rehab

A couple of weeks ago, as Wolly and I were doing his senior dog movement and fitness workout, I thought I might try and post some of it periodically for inspiration. A Workout with Wolly series had a nice ring to it 😁 

Wolly standing on a platform getting ready to do pivots as part of his senior dog fitness program
Wolly getting ready to do pivots as part of his senior dog fitness program

That plan (I use "plan" in the loosest sense of the word!) has been scuppered. Over the weekend he had a stroke. So, lots of new learning for me. Which, quite honestly, I could do without - my learning spoons are already at capacity! And, of course, it sucks for dear ol' Wolly as he's undoubtedly been feeling a bit shit.

Wolly, asleep on the sofa. He's able to get up there thanks to a strategically placed platform.
Wolly, asleep on the sofa. Note the strategically placed platform.

Thankfully he seems to be making a great recovery. I have no doubt that all the movement, balance and proprioceptive work that we do is helping him get through this. And it will continue to be not only a significant aspect of his rehab process, but also a means for me to assess his progress.

Friday afternoon, before all this kicked off, we were doing Movement Puzzles, and so it seems fitting that that is where we start. 

Wolly doing Movement Puzzles with a step and a cavaletti on Friday afternoonWolly doing Movement Puzzles with a step and a cavaletti on Friday afternoon.

This morning we had our first session. I used two of the Flexiness SensiMats as his puzzle piece. These nubby mats are great for proprioceptive input; they are super versatile, and one of my most frequently used pieces of equipment. Expect to see them regularly as we wobble and drift our way through the next few days and weeks. 

Wolly doing Movement Puzzles over two SensiMats
Wolly doing Movement Puzzles over two SensiMats




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