Dogs Aren't Problems to be Fixed
Frustration to understanding
Nine years ago, I was at my wits’ end. Vet visits were so difficult, they were impossible. I knew I needed professional help, but there was nobody locally who could provide the kind of help and support that I needed.
At the time, behaviour challenges in dogs were seen (and still are) as 'problems' that needed to be 'fixed'. Heck, I was being referred to obedience classes. ‘Obedience’, or a lack of it, was not the problem.
Fortunately an email entitled "Your Dog Doesn't Have to Hate the Vet" landed in my inbox at just the right time. The words resonated, and I could tell just from reading it that this was someone who could help me. And help me, they did. Life changing, literally.
Why I’m sharing this
Why am I telling you this? Well, for a start, I've been there. I know what it’s like to search for help and struggle to find someone who truly understands what you and your dog are going through. Someone who can offer support, and do it in a way that feels good for both of you.
And also, because I'm currently going through the massive and overwhelming task of rewriting my website. Common sense, the internet, and website writing gurus tells me that I need to use the terms that people use and are searching for. Terms that will please Google. But when the vast majority of the dog world are still using and searching for terms that refer to dog 'obedience' training, and 'commands' and 'fixing problem behaviour', those terms don't sit well with me. So I'm trying to find a balance (- also a loaded term!) that I can live with.
Dogs aren’t toasters - they deserve better
A paragraph that I'm particularly pleased with, and will be staying, as it conveys my thoughts and feelings on the subject, is:
"Dogs aren’t toasters. They’re not broken machines that need fixing. Instead, they’re complex beings who want to feel safe and understood. My approach is about identifying what they’re worried about, what needs aren’t being met, and how to empower them to navigate the world with confidence."
Working with me - compassionate support for you and your (whole) dog
If you’re looking for someone to help you make your dog’s day better, to support you, and to get to the heart of the issue, that’s what I do.
My focus is on compassionate dog training, and creating solutions that respect your dog’s individual dog-ness and their emotional needs.
If, on the other hand, you’re looking for someone to teach you commands to 'fix' your dog’s behaviour, well, that isn’t me.
It worked out well for Wolly
Wolly, the 'disobedient' dog in question, just turned 14. He's happy we got the support we needed, and his days are better because of it.
Ready to find the missing piece for your dog?
If you’re ready to explore a compassionate, needs-based approach to your dog’s behaviour, I’d love to help you and your dog thrive together.